
2023-04-08 22:47 浏览量: 3399

何包钢 教授

澳大利亚迪肯大学国际与政治学院 讲座教授

Professor Baogang He

(Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia)


The Logic of Randomness: Can lottery democracy really replace electoral democracy?

2023年4月10日 星期一 中午12:00-13:30 廖凯原楼342


何包钢,男,1957年生,1994年在澳大利亚国立大学获政治学博士学位,现为澳大利亚迪肯大学国际与政治学院讲座教授, 自2016年起担任阿尔弗雷德-迪肯教授(迪肯大学的最高荣誉)。2019年被选为澳大利亚社会科学院院士,2020年被聘为世界经合组织协商民主评议指南专家组成员,世界气候变化的全球公民论坛专家组成员。曾任新加坡南洋理工大学人文与社会科学学院公共政策与全球事务系主任。主要从事西方政治理论、比较政治学、国际政治、和中国乡村政治研究。何包钢教授是罗尔斯《正义论》的译者之一,出版了七本英文著作,八十九篇国际社会科学引证期刊英文文章,其中两篇文章曾在国际社会科学引证期刊体系中名列前百分子一的高引证论文。他的中文著作包括《民主理论:困境和出路》, 北京法律出版社出版, 2008年;《协商民主:理论、方法和实践》, 北京中国社会科学出版社, 2008年;《寻找民主与权威之间的平衡:浙江村民选举之经验研究》 (与郎友兴合作) ,华中师范大出版社,2002 年。


In contemporary debates about the crisis of democracy, some democracy theorists have proposed the principle of democratic lottery as a solution capable of reinvigorating and deepening democracy. Lottery democrats range from moderate to radical. Moderate proponents of the democratic lottery proposal focus on the circumstances in which a lottery method can be used, and they apply this method indirectly to legislation. Radical proponents of democratic lottery argue that the principle should apply across the political sphere, including legislation, with some proposing a "House of Lottery" (that is, a chamber created by lottery) for modern democracies. I will argue against the radical theory of lottery democracy. Drawing on my personal experiences involving more than five deliberative polling exercises in China, I examine the logic of randomness and demonstrate how, while it can create an image of fairness, randomness can undermine empowerment. I also show how local officials in China modify deliberative polling in a practice that combines the elements of lottery and electoral democracy. Here the lottery is a method, which to work well must be attached to a mixed political system. This suggest that the realization of democracy depends on the coordination and complementarity of the lottery principle, elections, and deliberation. Consequently, pure lottery democracy cannot completely replace electoral democracy. One way to go beyond electoral democracy is to combine lottery with balloting. The idea of replacing ballots by lottery is firstly inconsistent with historical experience; secondly, it is difficult to implement step by step in reality; thirdly, it is not advisable in a normative sense.

Key words: lottery democracy; electoral democracy; deliberative polling; mixed regime; local democratic practice in China



腾讯会议主题:何包钢(Baogang He)教授讲座

会议时间:2023/04/10 12:00-13:30




(本文转载自北京大学政府管理学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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